Annika Prom
This former Buddhist monk left life at the monastery behind — but not his community
Back in 2018, Annika Prom brought listeners the story of Venerable Prenz Sa-Ngoun, a then-20 year-old Cambodian-American Buddhist monk. In an effort to build a bridge between generations, Sa-Ngoun explained Buddhist practices and principles to viewers on Instagram and YouTube. It's been six years since Prom's original story, and a lot has changed. For one, Sa-Ngoun is no longer a monk.
How this young Buddhist monk uses Instagram to connect with Khmer youth
I was shocked when I saw the pictures that a Buddhist monk from my temple posted on Instagram. Venerable Prenz posts pictures of himself hiking and traveling around the world. I saw pictures of him studying for his college classes and visiting with his family. Honestly, his Instagram looked a lot like everyone else's — except that he's a Buddhist monk with a mission to teach Khmer youth about their culture.
From toys to taxes: Reconnecting with our childhoods
When did your childhood end? How do you keep your childhood alive?
Using Wicca as a gateway to feminism
How do women find an accepting community in witchcraft? We hear three stories from different women about their journey into the occult, from conversion to dual religions.